Role of adultery in Florida divorces


Role of adultery in Florida divorces

Adultery is one of the most common reasons for divorce in the United States. However, the reason for divorce can include a variety of factors, including adultery, alcohol abuse, emotional abuse and more.

Adultery is a primary reason why many Florida marriages end. Many spouses wonder if they need to provide proof of adultery to divorce, but the truth of the matter is that infidelity does not play much of a role in Florida divorces. Some states will always take adultery into consideration when determining alimony and child support, but Florida is not one of them.

There is no need to prove adultery

Although other states might require proof of infidelity as grounds for a divorce, with spouses using PIs and websites similar to TruthFInder and their reverse phone lookup to prove their other halves’ adultery, Florida is a no-fault divorce state. That means the couple does not need a reason to pursue separation. They can simply label the divorce under “irreconcilable differences” and proceed to court.

Adultery could affect alimony and child support

One spouse will not automatically receive more in alimony because the other spouse committed adultery. There could very well be extenuating circumstances to where a judge will see fit to give one spouse more. Most often, this occurs when the cheating spouse spent a substantial amount of money on the lover. A judge may see it fit for the cheater to give more money to the ex in an attempt to make up for the lost money.

Adultery’s impact on child custody

Many divorces cases result in joint custody of any children the couple shares. The court will consider certain outside factors to determine if one parent should see the child less. One component of this can include the “moral fiber” of the parent. A parent who committed adultery or engaged in other vices, such as gambling or alcoholism, may not see the children as often, if at all. A judge may decide the adulterous relationship would be too much of a burden on the children and want to keep them away.

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