When it comes to child support and child custody issues, protecting the best interest of the child is every court's primary concern. When couples can resolve their differences as quickly and amicably as possible, everyone in the family benefits - although it’s particularly crucial for the children.
The longer a divorce takes, the more emotional, mental, and physical stress children experience. Even though the marital relationship has dissolved, parents will always be parents. Here at MGM Law, P.A., our skilled child custody lawyers seek to help you and your family minimize conflict and co-parent constructively, throughout the divorce process.
Our family law attorneys will work tirelessly for our clients' children. We know kids benefit from having a healthy relationship with both parents. This is the primary reason we support the collaborative divorce process. It is designed to reduce conflict and create a productive environment in which to co-parent, while protecting the most vulnerable members of the family - the kids.
Healthy Parenting and Timesharing Through Co-Parenting
The best timesharing structure for your children is one that actively involves both parents. Regardless of who is awarded primary physical custody, it’s critical to work together to develop a parenting plan that is creative and addresses your child’s unique needs.
During a collaborative divorce process, attorneys and a mental health professional will assist you and your spouse to develop a unique solution that works for your family. Together, we’ll brainstorm new solutions, discuss all your options, and come up with a plan that works for your kids and secures joint legal custody, if that’s in the best interest of the child.
Not only is this good for kids, but it makes divorce less difficult, painful, and costly. After all, a parenting and timesharing plan that both parents develop and agree on is likely to be followed by both parties and less likely to be challenged in the future.
We can Provide Legal Advice if the Courts Have Previously Ruled on Custody
If parents cannot agree on a parenting and timesharing plan, the court will impose one. Because the court doesn't know you or your child, a court order often produces plans that do not account for your child's unique needs.
That said, the court will always consider the best interests of the children as they establish a custody plan. If you disagree with the plan the courts have created, Pensacola family law and divorce attorney Mary McDaniel can explain the statutory factors a court will consider to modify the custody order.
Contact our Law Firm to Learn More About Collaborative Divorce and Timesharing
If you have questions about parenting and timesharing, we can help you understand your options. Regardless of your circumstances, we’ll help you achieve the best outcome for your family. To speak with our Pensacola family lawyer Mary McDaniel, call 850-450-1755, or use our online form to request a consultation.